Conversational Intent Data

Truent's Conversational Intent Data goes beyond monitoring activity to capture the true context and relevance only revealed in authentic peer-to-peer online conversations. Go beyond merely tracking what banks and credit unions are looking at and act on what they are actually saying.


The "What" Matters

Go beyond tracking "what" banks and credit unions are looking at and delve into "what" they are actually saying. By analyzing the explicit conversations happening across proprietary sites and industry-specific communities, Truent extracts valuable insights about your prospects intentions and product/service needs.

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Unlock The Voice Behind Untapped Opportunities

Conversational Intent analysis holds the key to unlocking untapped opportunities in the financial industry. Truent's proprietary technology allows you to explore uncharted territories, discover potential buyers, and expand your market reach.

Realtime Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

The Power of Language

Understanding the explicit topics expressed in these conversations, you can tailor your messages, offerings, and outreach strategies to resonate with your target audience.

User Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

The Influence of Peers

Before you or your competitors hear from a bank, they have already engaged in countless conversations with their peers to shape their consideration set.

Funnel Optimization - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Revealing the Architects

The person tasked with creating the consideration set may be the hidden architect of choice. Uncover the influential decision-makers and understand their role in shaping purchasing decisions.

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