Verified Intent Data

Actual purchase intent is determined by more than just page views and activity from anonymous website visitors. Verified Intent Data is a complete view at activity and engagement from identifiable, authenticated buyers.


Identifiable Buyers

In a regulated industry that is constantly evolving and changing through regulation, mergers, and closures identifying a potential buyer early in their journey means a greater chance at revenue. Truent monitors purchase intent for verified Financial Institution employees only and shows you who has started their journey so you can help them make the best purchase decision.

Signal Accuracy
Get started

Accuracy + Volume =

By focusing on verified data sources and ensuring data accuracy you see better results.

Realtime Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

95% of all US FIs

Truent tracks verified intent signals from almost all US Financial institutions.

User Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Daily Bank Validation

When employment or a bank status changes we know and update future signals accordingly.

Funnel Optimization - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Millions of Signals Daily

We match 60+ million signals every month to verified financial institution employees.

Know who visited your site.

Leverage our Verified FI Data to know who is interacting on your site.

Add our web pixel to your site and know exactly which FIs are interacting.

Understand what pages are driving results.

Understand the keywords, pages, and content that is leading to results.

Ready to intelligently generate revenue?
Book a demo today